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Kitty Litter Storage Ideas

If you're a cat owner, then you know that kitty litter is a must-have. But did you know that there are different ways to store it? And did you know that if it's not stored correctly, it can become contaminated and cause health problems for your cat? In this blog post, we will discuss the right and wrong way to store kitty litter. We'll also provide some helpful storage ideas!
kitty litter storage ideas

If you’re a cat owner, then you know that kitty litter is a necessary evil. It’s not the most pleasant thing in the world to have to deal with, but it’s a fact of life when you have cats. One of the biggest challenges with kitty litter is figuring out how to store it so that it stays fresh and doesn’t get smelly. In this blog post, we will explore some kitty litter storage ideas and explain why each one is best for certain situations. We’ll also give you some tips on how to keep your kitty litter storage area clean and odour-free!


Kitty litter is usually supplied in large plastic bags. This packaging will do fine up to the point when you open the packaging. Once you open it, it’s best to store the kitty litter in an dedicated container. This will keep the kitty litter fresh for longer and prevent any odours from escaping. One of the things that kitty litter does, is absorb moisture and liquids and if the product is not stored correctly, it will start to absorb moisture from the environment where it is stored. The other thing to keep in mind is that kitty litter often smells. It is not a terrible smell but it’s also not a nice smell.


Lastly, if you’ve ever tried to store your kitty litter in the same bag it was sold in, you’ll know that it falls out and it gets everywhere! Kitty litter pallets are often cylindrical shaped which means that they roll under furniture and everywhere else.

Because of this, we recommend having a dedicated method for storing kitty litter to ensure it remains fresh and effective as well as tidy.


In this article I’m going to share with you some fantastic options for storing your kitty litter. Some of these solutions are specifically made for storing kitty litter and I’ll also share with you some DIY solutions that can work just as well. Everyone’s needs are different so just see which one of these would work best for you.


So with all that said, let’s explore each option in more detail so that you can decide which one is best for your needs.

Kitty Litter Storage Ideas

Option # 1

PetFusion BetterBin Portable Litter Storage Bin Container

Best suited for: Apartment and home owners with average storage space. Rolling handle and wheels make it easier to move around.


This is a great solution that checks all the boxes. Not only does it doe a great job at storing the kitty litter, but it is also has a pourer that allows you to easily pour the kitty litter easily. It has a large handle on the side that makes it really easy to refill your kitty litter tray and can hold enough kitty litter for several refills as well as a couple of complete changes. Overall, the container can hold 10gal.

Kitty litter can be heavy so having wheels is an extra bonus. The heavy wheels are large enough so that it should not be a problem to roll over carpet and it has an extendable handle to move it around with minimal effort. This is great if you are unable to store the kitty litter near the kitty litter tray.

If you are looking for the best solution then this is our recommendation for the best kitty litter storage solution.

Option # 2

Rice Storage Container

Best suited for: People with limited space such as small apartments.


This product is designed to be used with rice but it works great as a kitty litter storage solution. If is smaller than then the Petfusion product which may work better if you are a little tight with space.

This product is ideal if you can store it next to the kitty litter tray which makes it really practical to refresh your cat’s kitty litter tray. This product will hold 3.96gal which is not as big as the Petfusion but it still has sufficient capacity to store enough kitty litter for several refreshes and at least one full change.

Option # 3

Eagle 1654 Yellow Blow-Molded HDPE Salvage Drum

Best suited for: People with lots of storage space such as a garage. People who bulk purchase.


This is a great idea if you have plenty of space such as a garage where you can keep your kitty litter. Although not specifically designed for kitty litter, this product is in many ways, the best storage solution for kitty litter.

One of the best things about this product is it’s size. This product can hold 20 gallons which makes it a fantastic solution if you purchase kitty litter in bulk. Buying bulk often saves you money but it also requires that you store the kitty litter carefully. Because kitty litter an absorb moisture from the environment it is kept in, it can degrade over time. To prevent this, you should store the product in an air tight container. This is where this product has an advantage over the other two products. Because it can store so much more than the others, it is essential that the container is airtight because it is likely to be stored for a longer periods of time.


At the end of the day, the goal is to store your cat’s kitty litter so that you can’t smell it, it is easy to access and that it is air tight to prevent moisture from getting into the product. There are many other ways to store it and it comes down to what works for you. We would love to hear of any other way that you may be using to store your cat’s kitty litter. Let us know in the comment section below.