Cats can be attracted to just about any type of food. They are very curious and inquisitive. Most of the time, they are able to tell if they should be eating something or not. However, sometimes they may be tempted to take a bit of something that is not going to do them any good. Because of this, we need to be careful about the types of food that we have lying around the home and accessible to them. With a little thought and clever storage, we’ll be able to keep our little friends safe. Below is a summary list of everything I’ve included in this article.
- Alcohol
- Anything containing yeast (bread)
- Chocolate
- Coffee
- Citrus fruits
- Coconut flesh and water
- Dairy
- Grapes and raisins
- Nuts
- Raw egg
- Raw or Undercooked meat
- Raw fish
- Canned Tuna (Can have high levels of mercury)
- Salt
- Some Vegetables
- onions
- garlic
- leeks
- scallions
- shallots
- chives
- (Xylitol)Sugar or artificial sweetners
- Caffeine
- Fat trimmings and bones
- Too many treats
- ice-cream
- Cherries
- Chips
- Popcorn
Alcohol is bad news for cats. It can result in serious health issues and in some cases even death so keep it locked away.
Anything containing yeast
Yeast can result in stomach issues. It can lead to bloating and even twisting and could potentially be fatal.
Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs but it can be just as bad for cats. Chocolate contains theobromine as well as caffeine. Theobromine can’t be processed by your cat and causes a build up that in sufficient quantities, can even be lethal.
Coffee has a similar effect as chocolate so keep it away from your cat.
Citrus fruits
All citrus fruits contact oils that can be problematic for your cat. All parts of any citrus fruit such as leaves and stems can impact the health of your cat. In small amounts, they will most likely get an upset stomach while larger amounts can lead to more complicated and serious issues.
Coconut – Flesh and Water
Both of these have very large amounts of potassium which can result in digestive problems.
A little know fact is that cats are lactose intolerant. This goes against the stereotype that you can give milk to a cat. Consumption of any type of daily will result in digestive issues.
Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and raisins have shown to result in kidney issues with cats.
Nuts are high in oils which your cat can’t tolerate. Macadamia nuts are highly toxic to cats. As a general rule, keep all nuts away from your cat.
Raw Egg
Just like us humans, cats are also prone to Salmonella bacteria. Additionally, it can also cause problems with biotin absorption which is an essential vitamin critical for the health of your cat’s skin and coat.
Raw or Undercooked Meat
Just like with raw eggs, this can also contain salmonella bacteria which can result in digestive issues.
Raw Fish
Once again, the problem with raw fish is the bacteria that might be present leading to digestive issues and food poisoning.
Canned Tuna
Canned tuna doesn’t have the necessary vitamins that your cat needs so it is not a suitable food for them. Additionally, canned tuna can contain levels of mercury that can be very problematic for your cat.
Salt is not a natural part of any cat’s diet. They are able to extract the required level of minerals from good quality food so do not use salt in their diet.
Some Vegetables
Some vegetables are just not good for your cat. As a rule, keep the following vegetables away from your feline friend.
- Onions
- Garlic
- Leeks
- Scallions
- Shallots
- Chives
(Xylitol)Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners
This is a fancy way to describe candy. Never give any type of candy to your cat. Doing so can cause vomiting and possibly liver failure.
Caffeine can be fatal to your cat if consumed in large enough quantities. It is important to remember that caffeine doesn’t just mean coffee. There are many other types of foods and drinks that contain caffeine. Tea, energy drinks, etc.
Fat Trimmings and Bones
Fat trimmings or leftovers can be dangerous for cats not just because the high fat content can cause digestive issues. Bones can cause an obstruction as well as splinter. A bone splinter can cut or even puncture the digestive system of a cat which can be fatal.
Too many treats
Treats don’t normally have the required nutritional value of a good quality food. They are designed for taste only. They should be used sparingly and only as a reward for good behaviour.
Ice-cream is a dairy product and is also on the forbidden list. Even fairy free ice-cream should be avoided as it contains sugar or artificial sweeteners which are dangerous for your cat.
Cherries can be fatal to cats and should be avoided.
Chips are high in both fat and salt which are very bad for your cat. Eat them yourself but keep your cat away from them.
Just like chips, popcorn often contains high levels of processed fat and oils as well as salt. All of these things are bad for your cat.
In this article, what I’ve attempted to do is to guide you on what you should never feed your cat. This list only contains the most common items that I found in my household. There are many other items that are not safe for your cat to consume. The best advice is to only feed your cat good quality food recommended by your vet. The same applies to treats. Not all treats are good for your cat so get advice from your vet.
If you can think of any other common foods that I can list here, leave them in the comment section below. The more we contribute here, the more informed we’ll be.