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Can dry cat food go bad?

Most people believe that dry pet food can't go bad. The truth is somewhere in between. In this article we'll show you how to tell if food has gone bad and what you can do to prevent it.

Can dry cat food go bad


Yes.  Dry cat food can go bad. But I can’t take a long time. What we need to know is how long can you keep dry cat food before it goes bad.

In this article we are going to discuss the following things


  • How long does dry cat food stay fresh for?
  • How can you tell if dry cat food has gone off
  • What are some of the things that can accelerate dry cat food going off
  • Why you should not feed your cat food that is no longer fresh
  • The best ways to prevent dry cat food going off


Exactly how long can dry cat food stay good for?

Most cat food manufacturers suggest that dry cat food should be consumed within 6 weeks of opening the packet.  The truth is that dry cat food can stay fresh for longer than that if stored correctly.  The main reasons why cat food can expire are air, moisture and heat.  Any of these will start to break down the food product.  More importantly, it will also reduce the nutritional value of the food.


How can you tell if dry cat food has gone off

Most people will be able to tell by the smell of the food.  Even though this is cat food and not human food, you will still be able to tell a difference in smell from when you first open a packet to food that is not so fresh.  Your cat is also quite sensitive to food that is no longer fresh.  Cats are not as tolerant to bad food as dogs are and they will let you know if they are not interested in the food which likely means that the food has gone off.  If too much moisture is present in the dry food, the food pellets will become soft and mushy rather than hard and crispy.


What are some of the things that can accelerate dry cat food going off

Pet food is susceptible to the elements as human food. Just like our food,  dry cat food will eventually go bad but the real damage starts the second you open the packet.  The main culprits are air, moisture and heat.  Most dry cat food is provided in a air-tight packet.  This helps to maintain the freshness of the product and keep air and moisture out.  When you open the packet for the first time, you are introducing air and moisture in the packet and this is what accelerates the process of the food going bad.  Storing the food in a hot place will also have the same effect even for an unopened packet.


Why you should not feed your cat food that is no longer fresh

The main and obvious reason why cats should not be given old stale food is that they could get sick from food that might have bad bacteria.  Dry cat food is organic and so can develop bad bacteria that can be dangerous to them.  You would not eat food that has gone off so why would you feed it to your pet?  Additionally, food that has expired will not have the nutritional value that your cat needs for good health.  Cats can be very sensitive with their food and they are unlikely to eat food that has gone off.


The best ways to prevent dry cat food going off


I’m sure you’ve heard this before.  “Store your cat food in a dry and cool place”.  Typically, you’ll be doing the right thing if you store it along with all your other food in a pantry.  This is going to extend the life of the product and keep it tasting good but, there are some additional things that you can do to extend it even further.

Most common dry cat food packs come in a large pack.  These packs usually contain enough food for feeding your cat for a few weeks.  Instead of filling up your cat’s dish straight from this packet, store 1 week’s work of food in an air-tight plastic or glass container.  



This reduces the amount of time you are opening the original packet which reduces the amount of air and moisture that it is exposed to.

With even larger packs such as the ones you can purchase at wholesale stores, you should consider splitting the original packet into smaller portions this will also reduce the food’s exposure to moisture and air. 

In our household, we use a vacuum sealer  that extracts all air from the product.  We divide the larger pack into smaller packs and we have been able to extend the life of the product to several months.  Removing air is the most effective thing you can do to extend the life of your cat’s food.

Finally, start by choosing carefully before you purchase the food.  Always pay attention to the expiration date on the packet. It’s a good idea to choose packets with later expiry dates. I usually try and find the ones that will expire as far into the future as possible. 



Taking care of your cat’s dry food is not complicated and doesn’t have to take a lot of effort.  Just by storing it correctly, you can not only extend the life of the product, but you’ll be saving money by not having to throw away food that your cat won’t eat.  It’s really not that different from keeping human food fresh.  Your cat will love you for it.